It was so delightful to see Rocky break into a sudden fit of mad joy, leaping bouncing and prancing once he touched the shores of Pacific Ocean. He really loved the sand there. He accompanied me all through the art museums and he was so patient whenever I paused to drink in visually the work of art before me; I think he was quite bored with the empty walls at his height. I particularly enjoyed the Gilbert & George show at the De Young. (Granted, that show is not for everyone, as it's so in-your-face, far more than Andy Warhol and Robert Mapplethorpe ever were, if you can imagine such a combination.) He has proven to be a great companion. Planes, trains, and buses all seem the same to him. :-) We did a lot of walking over these five days, so he was quite exhausted by the end of the day. In fact, he got into the habit of drinking a lot of water whenever I gave him some and grabbing a power nap when I wasn't moving!
On one of my many walks throughout the city, I stopped by the San Francisco Conservatory. They had nothing but orchids everywhere, so it was so soothing. I was very happy that no one was around, as it was just what I needed. I used my cell phone to take a few pictures there (I'd forgotten my regular Canon camera), and this is my favorite one. (No, I swear, I didn't Photoshop this one!) Enjoy.

These days I'm waiting for the weather to warm up again and resume an active walking schedule. I think Rocky would be too happy to sniff the pores and wafts of spring opening up everywhere!
Happy UK Deaf Awareness WeeK! :)
What a beautiful picture!
Why, thank you for your kind words!
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