You know how life sometimes operates? When it rains, it truly POURS?
That's what the past six months have felt like. I'm only finally beginning to feel that the sun is finally shining here in my new apartment off Hennepin Avenue. To recap these past six months of my life:
Eyes of Desire 2: A Deaf GLBT Reader. The anthology has gotten some really nice reviews lately. I plan to post a new vlog about the book soon. I've also traveled to Monmouth, OR; Seattle, WA; Marquette, MI; and Fairmont, WV to give talks about the Deaf GLBT community. Meeting so many people from all walks of life has been truly enriching. My next trip? The evening of April 23rd at San Francisco Public Library, where I will moderate a panel discussion featuring the Bay Area writers from the anthology. I can't wait!
The gallbladder removal surgery. I feel great. There are now very minor surgical scars on my chest.
Elsa. I still miss her every day, but I'm very happy to report that Tom and his partner Jonathan has gotten a miniature daschund named Wendy through a friend of a friend. She's apparently a doll. I can't wait to meet her the next time I visit New York! (Still don't know when but I'm very tempted by the low plane fares between Minneapolis and New York ...)
James Sharer. I was quite devastated when he died, and in some ways I am still grieving for him. Who knew that a good friend could go so quickly, and without warning? He died about ten days after Elsa died, so the month of December turned out to be a time of grief. There have been moments in which I wanted to email him and ask for his advice about this or that, only to be struck with, "Damn, I can't." He was like a human Google machine. But more than that, he was a truly great friend.
Rocky. This peppy terrier mix, a hearing service dog, is now in my life. Even though I've had dogs adore me from the first time I petted them, his devotion to me is utter and total, it's almost scary! He simply won't leave me out of his sight, even when I'm giving a presentation onstage. But he is truly a wonderfully spirited dog who turns out to be incredibly well-behaved in restaurants, on planes, and so on. He's truly extraordinary. Dogs have always enriched my life, and Rocky happily proves to be no exception.
Lou. To make a long story short, we are unfortunately no longer a couple; the 15-month relationship ended late January. I feel sad about that, but I will venture this much: I will never date a newly out man again. (He had been out for only two months when we first met.) Yes, I'm single. :-/
Assembly Required: Notes from a Deaf Gay Life. I'm in the final stages of rewriting this collection of pieces for RID Press, so I expect to see RID Press bring it out sometime this year. (More information to come as soon as details are finalized.) Yes,
Assembly Required will be my eighth book! Of course, I have a few other titles in the pipeline, but this is a definite. Can't wait!
My new apartment. Only in the past week did I feel truly settled in, and happier to be back in my old neighborhood. I feel much clearer now, particularly now that spring has indeed arrived. I look forward to having my spirit opening up to all the flowers that will soon bloom everywhere amidst birds and bees flitting about the grass, plants and trees shaking off the dull coat of winter for an endless sea of green. (Yes, I can be quite purplish with my prose, but enough with the gloom of winter already!)
Yes, my dear friends, it's that time to feel young once again! Look, the sun is shining . . . . *Straps on my cherry red helmet, revs up my scooter, and zips off into the distance*